Bring more customers to your center

Get Discounted Games!

With this monthly program, get new releases you can install at your center, along with various bonsues and incentives for your customers to keep coming back to your venue.

Become A Member

Included With Every Membership

New Game Releases

An exclusively selected game, curated on a regular basis, tailored specifically for LAN

License Included

Global license pool available for each LAN center.

In-game content

Skins, items, or bonuses, to entice players to play at your center (minimum of 25 codes per location).


A weekly lottery to enhance customer engagement and loyalty (coming soon)


Guaranteed marketing support, such as newsletter, website, and social media coverage.

Publisher Support

Potential publisher marketing assistance, including digital promotional materials and social media coverage.

Showcase Games

As a center owner, the opportunity to promote the new games you receive helps drive engagement and visitors to your center.
Here’s how you do it:

Install Games

Ensure that the game copies provided are downloaded and made accessible on every
available computer

Distribute Codes

Distribute the in-game content codes, one per player.

Market In-Store

Display provided digital banner(s) and marketing materials promoting the availability of the game at your location(s).

Market Online

Provide social media coverage to promote the highlighted game titles and generate
buzz among your community.

Steam Server

We set up a custom Steam server on-premise, which gives any Steam client at your center access (including BYOC).

Provide Feedback

Share valuable insights from gamers via feedback form.

Get Your Free Trial: Code GAMESYNC

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us for your free trial of the program.